Vocabulary Modeling
A teacher’s use of language provides an important model for children’s vocabulary development. By modeling the use of sophisticated words, teachers can promote students’ vocabulary growth and word consciousness. An easy way to raise the level of word consciousness in the classroom is to ramp up your everyday instructional talk.
For example:
Instead of….
pass out the snack
walk so you don’t bump your neighbor
go to the stairs and wait at the bottom
quickly go meet on the carpet
bring your things
stay quiet during a fire drill
sit by the white board
sit on the edge of the rug
You might say…
distribute the snack
walk to avoid a collision with your neighbor
proceed to the stairs; halt at the bottom
assemble swiftly on the carpet
gather your materials
remain silent during a fire drill
sit adjacent to the white board
sit on the perimeter of the rug
Read more about vocabulary modeling in this great article from Reading Rocket.