JOYcabulary is for All Ages!
JOYcabulary is not just for primary students! We learn new words our entire life. Just as we launch the word journey in K-2, we can raise the level of word consciousness in our intermediate students as well by reading aloud. While you certainly can use picture books like Peter H. Reynolds’s The Word Collector, you might choose to use a novel read aloud. Here are a few titles where word meaning is front and center:
The Swifts: A Dictionary of Scoundrels by Beth Lincoln (Barnes & Noble Best Children’s Book of 2023)
Bunnicula by James Howe
Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
Frindle by Andrew Cements
If you have striving readers in your class (and who doesn’t?), you might want to read A Walk in the Words by Hudson Talbott.